Infer types from objects and arrays with typescript

Sometimes when we are using typescript
we will need to use the object's keys or the object's values as a type
, even some cases we need to use the values in an array
as a type
as well.
What I want with this post is to explain how to do it in a easy way, and by publishing it I will always have a place to return to if I forget (no-kidding) 😂
Using typeof
When we use objects, we might want to to make an interface or type to describe the types inside the object, this is fine, but for some cases where we also need to create an object based on this interface we might have some code that might look like duplicate, for example:
interface Fruit {
name: string;
price: number;
available: boolean;
const fruit: Fruit = {
name: "Apple",
price: 4,
available: true
We could transform this to a few lines of code for some specific cases:
const fruit = {
name: "Apple",
price: 4,
available: true
type Fruit = typeof fruit;
A common case of this could be when using React we declare an initial state, for example:
const initialState = {
name: "Apple",
price: 4,
available: true
type Fruit = typeof initialState;
function FruitComponent() {
const [fruit, setFruit] = useState(initialState);
This way it's easy to then use the Fruit
type as a parameter to any handler-function.
Using keyof
Using the keyof
typescript will generate a new type
from the keys of the object. Let's use the following object as an example. Here is the documentation.
const fruits = {
"cod-1": 'Apple',
"cod-2": 'Pear',
"cod-3": 'Orange'
Suppose we have a function where we receive the code of the fruit but it must return the name of the fruit.
function getFruitName(code: string) {
const name = fruits[code];
return name;
In this case using typescript we would have this error: ... type 'string' can't be used to index type { ... }
since string
is not guaranteed to actually match the keys of the object in this case with "code-1" | "code-2" | "code-3"
for this reason the code
parameter should have a more exact type, we will do it using keyof
type Code = keyof typeof fruits;
function getFruitName(code: Code) {
const name = fruits[code];
return name;
We were able to do this: type Code = "code-1" | "code-2" | "code-3"
, but to be honest it would only work for small cases like this, it's not scalable.
Indexed Access Type
This is one of my favorite features, in some cases we need the type of a single property on an object/interface/type so this features will help us. Documentation here.
Suppose we have the following object:
const fruit = {
name: "Apple",
price: 4,
available: true
What happens if we want to know the type
of the property price
then we can do something like this:
// Price expects to be number
type Price = typeof fruit["price"]
By using the property in square brackets that we want the typescript to get it from, this also works for interface
and type
, we just have to omit the typeof
here is the example for interface, it's same for type
interface TFruit {
name: string,
price: number,
available: boolean
// Available expects to be boolean
type Available = TFruit["available"];
There is an additional use case for Indexed Access Type
, but we will explain it later.
What about valueof?
An unusual but possible use case is that we need to use the values of an object as a type, buuut valueof doesn't exist, don't worry, we have a solution for this and it's quite simple.
The first step is to get the type
of the object keys as we did before:
const fruits = {
"cod-1": 'Apple',
"cod-2": 'Pear',
"cod-3": 'Orange'
type Code = keyof typeof fruits;
Now we are going to use this type
and combined with the Indexed Access Type
we will get the values of the object as a type
type FruitName = typeof fruits[Code];
In this way FruitName
will only accept 'Apple' | 'Pear' | 'Orange'
, pretty cool, right?
Another use case, we could have an array whose values we will need as a type, a solution would be to duplicate the list:
const fruits = ['apple', 'pear', 'orange'];
type Fruits = 'apple' | 'pear' | 'orange';
Buuut, no ,no, no, duplicate the list is not really correct and maintaining it could be tedious, besides I'm sure we want an elegant solutions, right? how about it looks like this:
const fruits = ['apple', 'pera', 'sandia'] as const;
type Fruits = typeof fruits[number];
We should stop for a moment to understand a little what happens here:
as const
this assigns the values of the array asliteral
, so, the type offruits[0]
is notstring
It isapple
literally, if you want to go deep of this, pls review this linkfruits[number]
again here we are usingindexed-types
when using it in arrays and using[number]
allows us to get all the values of the array, it only works with a literal array.
And thats it, hope this help you 😎